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Showing posts from 2014

MyFitnessPal Custom Macros Script for Intermittent Fasting Diet Plan

After recently switching to an intermittent fasting plan, I've been seeking a solution for MyFitnessPal to support different macros on different days. A fellow coworker who's already lost 50lb on an IF plan pointed me to a reddit thread with a MFP custom macro script . It's an excellent little script and macro but I ran into some issues getting it to work. I started by attempting to run the script via OSX on my Macbook but found I had to install the Mechanize extension for Python. No big deal but when I ran the script for the first time, I got a what looked to be an Mechanize error which kind of threw me off. After digging around, I found the fix on another related reddit thread . That fixed the authentication issue but then the script failed again with a similar error related to the 'totalCallories' variable. macbook:site-packages user$ python Schedule section exists Sunday is: R All configuration options present Logging in Login sent L...